West Drayton Academy

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The Rule of Law

The Rule of Law

Governments should ensure that children are properly cared for, and protect them from violence, abuse and neglect by their parents, or anyone else who looks after them.

(UN CRC Article 19)


All pupils at West Drayton Academy know and understand our three rules for behaviour. We promote pupils' understanding of The Rule of Law through our approach to managing behaviour that concentrates on transparent and scripted expectations for consistency, class-wide rewards to reinforce positive behaviours, individual sanctions to reflect on negative behaviours and restorative conversations to maintain relationships.

As part of helping children to further understand ‘The Rule of Law’, our local police officers are invited into school to explain their role in society.
 The Four Pillars are West Drayton’s values that thread through the curriculum. Every day, we aspire to demonstrate and apply these values in everything that we do. We believe that the Pillars will help to prepare our children for today, the next stage of their education and beyond. Weekly rewards are given to children across the school who are recognised as our ‘Weekly Champions’, The champion is somebody who has consistently demonstrated their class value of the week.


