West Drayton Academy

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Absence & Attendance

Good attendance is a partnership between the school, parents and children

Attendance Policy

The responsibility for good attendance is shared between the school, parents and children. Children are expected to be in school between 08:40 and 08:50 and registered at the start of the school day and at the start of the afternoon session.


Good attendance will be recognised and rewarded

Good attendance and punctuality is equipping our children for the future

Poor attendance will affect a child’s education

Poor punctuality is disruptive for both child and staff


Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their children attend school.


Advising of absence

Parents are expected to advise the school on the first day of any absence and every day after, by telephoning: 01895 442904 after 8.00am.

We will ask you what the nature of the illness is and the expected length of absence.


Medical appointments

Requests for absence for medical appointments should be in writing. 


Leave of absence

West Drayton Academy discourages any request for absence. No absence will be authorised during any examination periods, this includes internal examinations. Parents who have to request leave of absence for their child during term time must apply in writing. Leave of absence for any reason is only authorised by the Principal in exceptional circumstances, and must be requested with at least 15 working days’ notice. The Leave of Absence form can be downloaded here.


Medical Matters

It is very important that our welfare assistants are informed of any medical conditions your child may have. They will take responsibility with the class teacher for ensuring that all children are cared for appropriately.

Children who suffer from severe allergies / asthma must have two Epi-pens / inhalers at school. One will be kept in the classroom and the other in the medical room.



Incidences of poor attendance or unauthorised absence are recorded; parents will be written to and may be requested to attend meetings with school officers. For persistent offenders, the school will involve the Attendance Improvement Office and this can result in fixed penalties being enforced. 


We understand that all young children suffer from sickness from time-to-time; however, not all illness needs time off school. The school is able to administer Calpol or Doctor prescribed medication on completion of a ‘Consent Form’.


The following guidance from medical professionals is offered:

Nil days absence required for:

Cough / Cold


Earache / Headache

Glandular Fever

Hand, Foot & Mouth

Head lice

Sore throat / Tonsillitis

Stomach ache


Warts / Verrucae


The following levels of absence are expected for such conditions as:

Chicken PoxChildren  may return 5 days after the rash has started
FluUp to 5 days
German MeaslesChildren may return 6 days after the rash has started
ImpetigoChildren may return 2 days after stating anti-biotics once the lesions have crusted over and dried
MeaslesChildren may return 4 days after the rash has started
Sickness / DiarrhoeaChildren should not attend school for 48 hours following each episode
ScabiesChildren can come into school after the first day of treatment.

