West Drayton Academy

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Trips schedule

We can all remember the excitement of school trips, whether it’s just for a day or a longer residential.


Trips enable us to learn outside of the classroom, they allow children to socialise with peers and they provide new opportunities and experiences.


Bringing Subjects To Life

Everyone has a different way of learning. For many, especially kinaesthetic learners who find it easier to take a hands-on approach to learning, school trips are brilliant for helping them to have a greater understand of topics.


Increasing Motivation

Visiting somewhere that pupils have been learning about in the classroom, increases engagement and enthusiasm. It helps to make a more personal connection to the topic being taught. School trips often leads to greater understanding in class as pupils see and appreciate things in real life.


Boosting Self-confidence

For some children, using an informal environment helps them to socialise, improving social skills and boosting confidence. 


Year GroupTrip or Experience
Y3Chiltern Open Air Museum 
Y6Visit to local cemetery 
Y2Trunk Theatre Company 
Y6Imperial War Museum: Friday 10th November 
Y4Sadler's Well Theatre: Wednesday 22nd November 
Y3 Visit to Beck Theatre 13th December 
Reception Bakery Visit 7th December 
EYFS & KS1Little Red Riding Hood Pantomime 8th December
Year GroupTrip or Experience                                                                              
Y6Readers' visits
Y1Terrific Teddy Bears' Picnic
Y1Visit to Reading Museum 
Y5Visit to Windsor Castle 
Y5 Visit to Rainforest 
Y2Empower Drama Session
Y3Natural History Museum 
Y4Visit to a Football Match 
Reception Zoo Lab Visit 
Year GroupTrip or Experience       
Y2 Visit by OWL and Raptor Centre UK
Y2Visit to Cinema
Y4Trip to Go Ape
Y5 Visit to Gurdwara 
Y5 Visit to West End Show (Lion King)


