West Drayton Academy

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At West Drayton Academy, Pillar Two is 'be kind'.

We place great emphasis on ensuring children are proud of their background (culture, race, religion, family) so that they can excel. We value each and every child and their family. We celebrate our differences, as through diversity, we find strength.


We work to ensure that every child feels valued and sees themselves positively represented through aspects of school life. Building a sense of pride in oneself, leads to happier children, who then strive to fulfil their high aspirations. In order to achieve this, our curriculum is inclusive, as are our class names, so that all children see themselves represented.


A person's Gender, the Relationships we have with other people, Age, Disability, Ethnicity and Sexual orientation all contribute to people’s differences. At WDA, we call these differences GRADES. GRADES is integrated within our curriculum.


Throughout the academic year, Culture Club (parents and staff) organises and delivers a programme of events to recognise and celebrate the diversity within our community. 
Celebrations focus on traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation and religion.


Through our curriculum and inclusive approach, we build a sense of pride, acceptance and genuine respect for the different ways each of us live our lives.


The Equality Act (2010) applies to all schools. The purpose of the Equality Act is to ensure that schools do not unlawfully discriminate against people because of their age, sex, race, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, marriage or civil partnership, or sexual orientation. These are collectively known as the protected characteristics. Therefore, our work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ensures we meet this criteria.



Preparing children for a diverse world is at the forefront of our minds. We know that it is no small task, but we are determined to build a better future for everyone. To achieve this, we expect our community to respect one another (Pillar 2). In this way, we help to prepare our children to be the best they can be.

