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Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

The School Breakfast Club is a welcoming and inclusive space which provides an opportunity for children to start their day on a positive note. Children are offered a nutritious breakfast, and they bond with other children in a friendly environment to be ready for the school day ahead. 

Breakfast Club Activities 

7:30am to 8:15am - breakfast served, children sit and eat together 

8:00am to 8:30am - children choose from a range of activities 

8:30am to 8:45am - learning all together: discussions, story, sharing time

8:50am - children are taken to class by staff members

Imaginative Play   Farmyard, Dolls house, Themed playmates (Dinosaurs, Cars, Safari, London)
Construction  Magnetic blocks, Meccano, K'nex, Duplo, Lego 
Table Top Games  Junior Trivial Pusuit, Guess Who, Connect Four, Top Trumps, Jenga 
Arts and Crafts Play dough, Topical craft linked seasons and celebrations
Quiet reading  Comics, newspapers and books





Please note: Breakfast is served between 7:30am and 8:15am. Breakfast is not available after 8:15am.

Charge: £4 per session*

*Different rates apply for siblings and families in receipt of income support. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions. 

All booking requests for the following week should be emailed by Wednesday 3:00pm at 

Club Leaders

Mrs Amanda Walker

Ms Jennifer Wicks 


Mrs Shaista Yunis