The West Drayton Academy admissions arrangements
In year application form An in-year application is any application for a school place made outside the normal admissions rounds. In-year applications are for children who either wish to change schools or who have moved to the area and need to start a new school during the academic year.
Check your waiting list position: You may check your child's waiting list position by emailing
The West Drayton Academy Consultation
West Drayton Academy is formally consulting on the admission arrangements due to come into effect from September 2026.
Please note that there are no changes to our admissions policy.
The full Admissions Policy can be accessed via the following link: WDA Determined Admission Arrangements 2026/27
If you want to give your views on West Drayton Academy’s admission arrangements, you can submit your response during the consultation period ending at 12noon on Friday 20 December 2024. Any comments should be addressed to the Admissions Officer at:
Alternatively, you can submit a written response to:
The Admissions Officer
West Drayton Academy
Kingston Lane
West Drayton
The Board of Governors will consider all comments received between Friday 8 November 2024 and 12noon on Friday 20 December 2024. No response will be taken as consent.